ISPNE 2024 Virtual Conference

Call for Abstracts

We are pleased to invite abstract submissions starting May 1st- July 31st, 2024 for the ISPNE 2024 Virtual Conference on the theme of “Technology in Psychoneuroendocrinology”.  The conference will take place virtually on September 12th and 13th from 9 am CST to 2 pm CST each day, to allow for participation from multiple time zones.

Conference Theme

The theme of the meeting is “Technology in Psychoneuroendocrinology”.  There have been many technological advancements in psychoneuroendocrine research over the past decade, and our aim is to highlight some of these technological advancements of the recent past –  along with new advancements currently being developed that may represent the future of psychoneuroendocrine research and its applications to treatment.  For this meeting, technological advancements are broadly defined. Examples include:  Virtual administrations of stress induction protocols; measurement of hormones in novel biospecimens such as fingernails and sweat; digital biomarkers such as body movements; development of new rapid, onsite assays; technological advances in experimental manipulation and measurement in animal models; new psychopharmaceutical and behavioral approaches to treatment of neuroendocrine disorders and stress-related disorders such as depression and anxiety; advances in genomic and epigenetic measurement and data analysis; and the effects of technology, and technology use, on neuroendocrine systems and related mental and physical health outcomes.  Submissions on these themes are encouraged but submissions related to all aspects of psychoneuroendocrine research may be submitted. 

Conference Format

The 2024 virtual conference will include a combination of: 1) invited award presentations; 2) invited presentations on the conference theme; 3) prerecorded oral presentations based on submitted abstracts and 4) a virtual poster session based on submitted abstracts.  Top-rated abstracts will be selected for flash talks, including one session featuring early career scholars. 

All accepted abstracts will be published in a supplementary volume of ISPNE’s official journal, Psychoneuroendocrinology.  In addition, all members of ISPNE who attend the 2024 virtual annual meeting will receive a $50 discount on registration to the 2025 in-person meeting, to be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA on September 3-5, 2025.     

Submission Guidelines

All submitted abstracts will be individual abstracts this year, rather than symposia; the submitted symposium format will return for our in-person conference in New Orleans in September 2025.

Individual abstracts

The deadline for abstract submissions for individual poster presentations and individual oral presentations is June 30th, 2024. Submitting authors will have the opportunity to select their preference for presenting a Prerecorded Oral Presentation Only, Poster Presentation Only or Either Oral or Poster Presentation.  Abstracts should be less than 1250 characters in length, including spaces, and should have the following sections: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Funding sources can be acknowledged in the last sentence of the abstract. No tables or figures are allowed. A small number of highly rated abstracts will be selected for flash talks.


Click here to submit your abstract!