ISPNE 2025 Conference: Psychoneuroendocrinology at the Intersection of Science and Society: Navigating Bridges between Stress & Health

Dear Friends and Members of ISPNE, 

On behalf of our society, I wish you all the best for the new year, and would like to share a few updates related to our society with you. 

2025 Annual Conference: I am very excited to announce that the 2025 New Orleans conference website and registration information are now liveThe conference will take place September 3rd to 5th at the Ritz-Carlton hotel which has extended a very generous room rate for ISPNE attendees that – in the spirit of the city – offers Lagniappe, where it will honor reduced rates for several days before and after the conference. We hope you will plan on submitting your work for presentation at the conference or even just joining us to absorb great psychoneuroendocrinology research and enjoy the wonderful city of New OrleansThe abstract submission site will launch early in 2025 with a March 15th, 2025 deadline for symposium submissions and an April 15th deadline for individual abstractsWe will later send out a separate email with the conference submission information. 

2025 Membership Renewal:  Membership renewal notices for 2025 are currently being sent out – please consider renewing, and please consider inviting your trainees and colleagues who are doing relevant research or clinical practice to join our society!   We are hoping to grow our membership numbers and our impact over the next few years, and your help in doing so would be greatly appreciated, both through your own membership and through referring others to the society. 

Invitation to Committees: ISPNE is seeking additional members to join its various committeesAs you know, we switched to self-management last year and we operate primarily through the generous volunteer power of engaged members.  ISPNE committee members have the opportunity to help sustain our present operations and to inform the future directions of the society. If you’ve ever had thoughts about the direction ISPNE should (or should not!) be taking, please bring your good ideas forward and take a seat at the ISPNE organizing table through joining a committeePlease visit the ISPNE website for information on available committees, and e-mail us at with your interest and any committee preferences you may have.  We currently particularly need volunteers for the Finance Committee, the Development Committee, and the Nominating CommitteeWe are happy to discuss these committees with you if you are interested. 

Thank you all for your past and future contributions to ISPNE and to psychoneuroendocrinology research and practice.  We look forward to seeing you at our meeting in New Orleans in September 2025.  Let the good times, and the good research, roll! 


Emma K. Adam 

ISPNE President 

 On behalf of the ISPNE Executive Committee 

ISPNE President


Renew your ISPNE membership for 2025 today!

Membership Dues:

  • Early Career Scholars (ECS)
    • ECS (undergraduate): 1-year membership $75 
    • ECS (graduate): 1-year membership $100 
    • ECS (post-doctoral or staff; up to 5 years post degree): 1-year membership $150 
  • Regular Members: 1-year membership $300
  • Clinical Members: 1-year membership $300
  • Emeritus Members: 1-year membership $200

All membership levels include electronic subscription of PNEC. 

Please send an email to [email protected] for reduced fees for low and middle income countries (LMICs). Not sure if your country qualifies as a LMIC? Please check the classification by the World Bank, which can be found here. 

Renew Your Membership